It's the Weekend, It's the Weekend

// Weekend by Priory

I've been wanting to write a post about weekends, and this song popped into my head as I sat down to start... how perfect! This has been playing on the radio and on my Spotify station, and I like rockin' out to it. Kind of a weird music video, but still a great song, especially as a theme song for a post about weekends!

Everyone loves the weekend, of course, as we all came to rejoice them during our school years. But, if you were like me, soon the weekends meant working (whether while still in high school or during college). Eventually I didn't have any days off, maybe two or three a month, as I went to school full time and worked two (at one point three) jobs. When I moved to Ohio, I was finishing my last two classes online and only working one job part time. It was awesome! I had all this free time! Regardless if I worked most weekend days or not, I still had three or four days a week where I had nothing to do. That became tricky though... going from no days off to half the week off was hard to adjust to after a couple weeks. That is when I started going through my quarter-life crisis. I had just moved to a new state, started living this rather different life, was graduating from college, and was working for a place I didn't feel super comfortable with (before I started working with the art museum of course!!)... luckily a quick change helped a lot of that, when I did get that part time job with the art museum. When we got our puppy Jack, he also helped that little "crisis". But still, having all that down time was unsettling for a workaholic like myself! Then, one glorious day at the end of Winter, I was promoted to my wonderful full time position and all was right in the world. I got back that busy-ness that I thrived on, and I also finally regained that part of the week that I used to love so much (back in the day before the workforce)... THE WEEKEND.

I'm obsessed with those two golden days that bookend the work weeks. There is a goal in sight while you slave away at work all week, and those two little slices of heaven are just enough to tide you over so you can do it all over again. I'd like to think that I have perfected my weekend - having the perfect little routines to make the most of my time off:

Morning |  Breakfast is a Must

So, I am obsessed with Breakfast. I have always enjoyed an occasional visit to a breakfast eatery, but lately I have been a breakfast monster - having to go out every weekend and eating my weight in breakfasty-goodness. Not even going to lie, sometimes we go out both weekend days (that is kind of outrageous, but oh well). I absolutely love going out with Nick to our favorite breakfast place and having long talks, sharing stories from the week, and giggling. Oh, and eating, lots of eating. We do this way more often then going out for dinner. One, it is cheaper, and two, we just like breakfast. It encourages us to get our days started earlier, giving us some energy to start the day! It's fabulous for our relationship and for our bellies! It is also a must-do for when our families or friends come to visit as well :)

Early Afternoon |  Shopping! Not just for clothes, of course ;)

Usually, after breakfast, we go to Wal-Mart or Kroger to get our groceries for the week (obviously this not both weekend days). But, I have to admit, sometimes we stop at one of my favorite clothing stores before the grocery stores. Whoops. My favorite place for b-fast is right across from an Ann Taylor LOFT, so sometimes I cannot resist. Who could blame me?! Also, during Summer and Fall, we love visiting the Farmer's Market after we eat! It is always a great idea to go food shopping (Farmer's Market or grocery)when you are full, rather than going after work or before dinner when you are starving and want to buy everything in sight. One time, a couple months ago, I was craving chocolate on my way home from work, so I figured I'd grab groceries and a savory treat... well I walked away with red velvet cupcake mix, two candy bars, a doughnut, and ice cream. Sooooo... after a big meal it is! Plus it is best to buy groceries together so we can figure out meals and help each other remember what we need - plus I get Nick's help bringing in the groceries that way, mwaha!

Afternoon |  Puppy Time

In the mornings, we like to take Jack on a nice walk before we head out to eat. Sometimes, Jack and I just walk solo, since gone are the days that I sleep until 10 or 11 am (the internal clock struggle is real). I really love our solo walks, as long as Jack is behaving, during the week and especially on the weekends. Walking in silence is great way to connect with your mind, unwind, enjoy nature and the weather, and unplug from technology... throw in a cute pup and you are set! But, I also really love our walks all together as our little family. This is another chance for Nick and I to talk and discuss our days, weeks, etc. In the afternoon, before we get started cooking for dinner or whatever else our plans are, these walks are fun! We get to enjoy the hustle and bustle of everyone's weekend plans, hear parties in backyards, talk with neighbors or play with other pups... what more could you ask for? It's the simple things in life, I tells ya.

Evening |  Cleaning and Cooking

After the the busier morning and calming walks, it is time to get our little home in order. We already stocked the fridge, now it is time to declutter from the work week and clean! No one loves cleaning (and if you do, please give me your tips to make it more enjoyable!), but it has to be done. It is relaxing in a way, but I have never been the tidiest lady, so it is always a little bit of a struggle for me. Other than cleaning, the evening is for cooking dinner, especially on Sundays! On Saturdays, we tend to do less cooking (either one or both of us has plans or we get take out). Sundays are usually grilling days, especially now that we have a nice grill! When we grill, Nick is the grill master, making us delicious meat treats, while I stay inside to make pasta or side dishes in the kitchen. It is kind of awesome that we both contribute and make the meal together, this is usually just a weekend thing since our schedules do not line up that nicely during the weeknights. Another bonding activity! :)

Night Time |  TV and Video Games and Movies, Oh My!

After dinner, we tend to do our own things. I love to watch my DVR and Nick loves to play his video games, win win! Some nights, we watch a movie together, usually involving RiffTrax. RiffTracks spawned from Mystery Science Theater, which you have to look up if you are not familiar (MST3K is on Netflix, you have to watch some!)... basically they are comedians making fun of movies as you watch them. It started with old movies and now RiffTrax has commentary for new releases as well. Nick and I have made our way through the Harry Potter films, we just need to watch the last three films. It is so much fun to watch with them - even with great movies like HP (trust me, they crack amazing jokes that even the most sirius fans would enjoy... see what I did there?)

Of course, there are more special things that are scheduled during the weekend - like parties, traveling, or fun things like apple picking (which we plan to do next weekend!)... I just wanted to write about my must-dos during the weekend. Oh, and of course I do some blogging during the weekend, too!

Might sound boring, but I adore routines and simple things. I do like to take a page out of my own book (well, blog) when I talk about being a tourist at home, as we often play tourist on the weekends (probably once a month). As long as I am with friends or family, I am having fun!

How do YOU weekend?

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