I'm back!

Hello blogosphere!

I am back from my TWO YEAR hiatus and better than before (well... hopefully).

For the past year, I have run a Disney instagram account, @WishUponaStarryNight, and have been so embraced by the community. I have made real friendships and have felt so wonderful, letting my freak flag fly. I have decided it is finally time to resurrect my blog and rebrand a little with this mind.

The Curated Life, as this was once called, and Wish Upon a Starry Night, new name, are not so different. The art of Disney, fashion, and life call to me and will be reflected in each post here.

Please pardon my dust while I continue the rebrand, but hopefully new content will be up this weekend! Can't wait for you to see what I have up my sleeve.

I hope you will come along on this magical ride - I'm so excited!


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