Oh heyyyyy...

Well, hello there!

I haven't had an actual blog for years and years, since the days of Xanga... which I am sure was not terribly insightful or profound in any way. I am already bound to set the bar a tad higher ;) This blog will follow all the things that pique my interest, primarily: fashion incl. shopping, trends, etc., celebrity sightings w/ gossip and lots of fashion commentary, art and art history w/ some museum commentary in there, puppy nonsense since Jack is my heeler furbaby, TV discussions, and much more (hopefully). Not sure how many people will be invested in my opinions on these matters, but I will take that chance! Get ready for my posts, especially now that I am out of college and ready to take on the world... with much more time on my hands.

Please submit any ideas for posts and whatnot, I'd love to take on topics that interest YOU (mainly because all two of you that read this will be very important to me! hehe).

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