And just like that, Christmas has come and gone. While the Holiday season may still be in swing, I prefer relaxation during the coming week rather than planning my big NYE night out. You may have guessed this by now, but I am an old lady trapped in a 23 year old's body. I am not a huge fan of going out as it is (I do enjoy it from time to time, as you will read a little bit later in this post), so I am surely not a fan of going all out on New Year's. For starters, I work both NYE and New Year's Day, so not going to go out into the wee hours of the night anyhow. Last year, Nick and my pup Jack were still in Chicago while I had already gone back to Ohio (I had to get back to the work grind)... so I celebrated by my lonesome, which was not fun! This year, I plan to go out for a nice dinner then head back to the house or go see a movie, it will be chill nonetheless. Just how I like it!
I just got back to Ohio actually! We were in Chicago last Saturday and throughout this week of Christmas. It was just what the doctor ordered. The last couple weeks were pretty darn stressful for me at work, as you may have surmised from my lack of blog posts here, so it was nice to have almost an entire week to spend time with family and get in some much needed R&R. I spent Monday afternoon, most of Tuesday, and most of Christmas Eve literally doing nothing but napping/cuddling/watching
Law & Order SVU on my mom's couch. It was heaven, not going to lie. Jack and I got a lot of cuddles in those days. Nothing better than a twinkling Christmas tree and naps, I always say (I've never said that, but I really should because it is awfully true).
The whole trip wasn't me beached on a couch, I promise. I ate a lot of Chicago food, which is always a huge priority when we roll into town. I ate, in no particular order: Portillo's chopped salad, a Gene and Jude's hot dog (and fries, duh), Munchie's pizza, Mexican food from both Chevy's and Talpalpa, and a breakfast at Maxfield's. I may have gained some poundage... whoops! Don't worry, I have until September 26th to lose some lbs. for Nick's sister's wedding (gotta fit in my bridesmaid's dress, we ordered a size down, eep!) Speaking of the lovely bride to be, it was so nice to see all of our family for the holidays. That is what I miss most about living out of state... yes, I mentioned food before family, but they are truly what we miss most. It may seem so ordinary to be to just drive a little bit to have a meal with your parents or siblings, but when you live almost five hours away, you no longer take it for granted. That is my favorite part of the holidays.
Here are a couple photos from our trip home, I did not take many and the ones I have are from my phone, which stinks, but we have great memories :) Oh, and I saw
Into the Woods and really liked it, long, but magical and lovely.
Breakfast, my drug of choice. |
My lovely cousins! |
My beau. |
My best pals, since 1st grade! |
And last but not least, my sleeping Christmas pup. |
I hope you all had
a wonderful Holiday!