Oh my goodness. I have been excited to post this for a couple weeks now, but hadn't got around to it. I live every day in nostalgic bliss, but having a #hashtag holiday every week makes it a little more acceptable. So for today's #TBT (throwback thursday for those of you living under a wifi-less rock) I am sharing this gem:

I'm dying over here! This is a combo #TBT, some may call it the mother of all #TBTs... but that's just puny. In true dork fashion, I have assembled this throwback of two prom photos - my mom's on the left and mine on the right. What makes it even cooler is that we both took this prom photo with our best friends named Jessica.We both grew up with a best friend named Jessica! Pretty crazy. My mom is the big-haired maven on the right in her photo and I am, of course, on the left in mine. My mom's friend Jessica posted their photo probably a month ago and I immediately had to find my picture with my Jess and stick the two together. I just love it. My mom and her group of childhood friends have been super close since elementary school and I have been friends with mine for the same, and I hope to keep those bonds for the decades to come just as my mom has. One of the many reasons I look forward to becoming more like my momma - she is sweet, selfless, funny, beautiful, and has a great group of friends (the life-long kind). 

Happy #TBT!

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