The Buzz

Happy Sunday, everyone! I had two busy weeks at work, so the weekends have been very much needed. The Fall weather has been very nice, we have been enjoying it as much as possible. Today we went to a festival - the Applebutter Festival in Grand Rapids, OH - which was fun and very... interesting. Here are a few photos:

It was the most perfect weather! We didn't really know what we were going to be walking into, my friend at work just had mentioned it is a big to-do in the area. So we went blindly, pretty much! There was a large craft fair, to be expected, but there was also Civil War setups, Teepees, Mark Twain impersonators, and WWII reenactments. Who knew? It was kind of weirdly awesome, and it was fun to spontaneously go to this festival not knowing what to expect! Also, I'd like to point out how awkward that picture is with Mark Twain and his old timey lady... I asked for a photo and this is what I got, realllll friendly, Mark, thanks. 

In other news, I am getting pretty excited for our trip this week - in case you missed it, Nick and I are off to Orlando on Friday to visit my most favorite place ever... DISNEY WORLD! We will be visiting every park and attending Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party (my first time!), and we will also have one day to do both Universal parks to see all the Harry Potter stuff. We went to Hogsmeade the Summer after it opened and loved it, we can't wait to see Diagon Alley and take the Hogwarts Express. I am a huge Disney World lover, we have gone four years in a row now... I'm pretty obsessed and have made Nick a Disney parks lover as well. We are prettyyyyy excited - I will have to devote a post to it, of course :) But, now onto The Buzz:


Columbus Day Weekend Sales!!

// Well, this is a given. I am a shopper, as we all know, and I love that there is still some shred of reward on this weekend. I have not had a "Columbus Day three-day weekend" in many a moon... which I still do not understand since I went to a school called COLUMBia... hmmm. Regardless, I have to work tomorrow, so no three-day weekend for me, but these amazing sales have kept the fun alive. J Crew Factory is celebrating it's 2nd birthday or something, so they have 50% off everythang, baby. Loft has 50% off select styles & sale, during the past week there was a point where everything was 50% off, but that has been replaced with "select Fall styles". Meh. Still a good sale! Retail J Crew has 30% full price styles and 40% final sale, which is good if you've been eyeing a pricier retail item! Get it while the gettin' is good. Banana Republic has 40% your purchase, and Gap followed suit of course. Old NavyAnn Taylor, LL Bean, and Target (the boots I have been pining for are on sale - I think all boots are!) have some great sales going on, too. I snagged a few things during these sales, of course. My biggest deal was on a J Crew Factory City Coat - which I had swooned over the retail version a couple weeks ago - and it was under $100! I really needed a nice winter coat, a change from the big puffer North Face parkas that shed down feathers everywhere (thanks to a teething puppy last winter). I hope you find some deals, I assume the last day for most of these sales are tomorrow :)


Serena is Preggers!

// One of the most perfect humans is having a baby with another pretty perfect human. That's just the best. I may have mentioned my love for Gossip Girl (and by may have mentioned, I mean: I have professed my love many a time) so this is really exciting. Her reveal was interesting as well, she is already pretty far along and the photos she posted are so stinkin' adorable and perfect, of course. I think she and Ryan will be a great mama and papa!



// Halloween decor is so much fun and these peeps in Naperville, IL (only 45 min from Chicago and my hometown) went all out. I have seen intense Christmas lights like this a couple years ago in Elburn, IL (the Larsens, they were featured on ABC), but I thought this was cute video and I love this Kongos song. I am kind of startled by the amount of things in their lawn, though... the lights are awesome but, dang they have a lot of stuff! Haha :) Around 2:50 there is a really cool moment, check it out if you don't want to watch it all, though it's a good little video to help you get back into the weekday swing ;)


Hawkey is back!

// Captain Serious is back, yo! And so is Blackhawks hockey - get ready for some Chelsea Dagger. I am a girly girl for the most part, but I am a Blackhawks hockey fan through and through! The regular season started last Wednesday, the Hawks first game was Thursday (we won, obvi) and then they played the home opener last night and won again, like the bosses they are. Living in Ohio means we have to buy NHL Center Ice for our DirectTV, pricey but it is worth it since Nick is the biggest Hawks fan I know and just loves watching the games. Who could deny the guy his hockey? When we lived in Chicago, we'd go to a few games a year - it was especially fun when we would get student rush tickets for $25 and we would be sitting four rows off the glass! We haven't been to a game since we went to a preseason Hawks Wings game in Detroit last year. At least we can watch at home, though! Let's go Hawks!

What have you been buzzing about?

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