The Buzz

I'm sure you know by now that I am pretty much addicted to social media. I am fluent in most things Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, yada yada yada.I've decided to showcase my social media finds here, to spread the buzz. So, here's a list of what's been entertaining me lately:

Chris Pratt being adorable and funny while 
completing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge:
// Yes, some people have their opinions about the whole social media challenge
aspect of this fundraising sensation, and while it can be annoying that everything goes
viral nowadays, you cannot deny the power of it! ALS is a horrible disease and
most definitely deserves the spotlight to spread awareness and you can't ignore how
great of a fundraising campaign this is! It may be a facebook video, but it freakin' works.
As of today, the ALS Association has received over $15 million in donations for this campaign. 
This time last year, they only raised $1.8 million... so, social media works. Donate today!


In other celebrity charitable deeds news, Downton Abbey rocks hard.
// I was going to work Downton Abbey into the blog soon anyhow, and then
this news story fell into my lap over the weekend! In case you missed it, 
Downton Abbey released some promo photos late last week and it didn't take 
very long for the internet to realize one of the photos had a glaring period mistake! 
The photo of Lord Grantham and Lady Edith, backdropped by a lovely fireplace, had a very 
2014 water bottle on the mantle -- whoops, it may be 1923, but they do not have our 
environmentally-cruel water bottles just yet. Yikes.  Well, the cast of DA
 responded in the loveliest manner: they took this cheeky photo (above) and used the attention 
to spread awareness for an UK clean water initiative called WaterAid, and dubbed
 the whole ordeal at the Downton Abbey Water Bottle-Gate Scandal. Touché. 
Also, I have been rewatching the entire series for the fourth time, so there's that.


Literally just scrolled and took this amazing quiz:

// I love Buzzfeed and their randomly awesome quizzes, and this one ranks 
as one of the best. I mean, who doesn't want to know what random Disney background 
character they are?! Please, you were all dying to know that I was named this little lad 
from the Aladdin "Prince Ali" song. He's a good kid, ya know, and so am I! Love it. 
Honorable mention for best quiz ever: 
(I got Kat & Garth, which is oh so fitting and oh so my fav, aside from Stefon)

What have you been buzzing about? Let me know!
And also let me know which random Disney background character you are.


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