Twenty Three

Yesterday was my 23rd birthday, thank you all for the warm wishes on Facebook, through text, and in person. Honestly, though some may feel it is strange, it always makes me well up when I see how many people write on social media or text or give cards in person to wish me a happy day. I do not keep in strong contact with many friends/former classmates/former coworkers, but I think it means something when people go out of their way to write a little post on Facebook! Say what you want about the lack of person-to-person contact in the social media age, I think it connects people more than it isolates. I was touched by people wishing me a happy birthday, so I thank you all :) This was also my first year being a full time employee somewhere while celebrating my birthday, and I was so really ecstatic when coworkers stopped by to say hello or gave me a card... how freakin' sweet is that?!

The joy I felt yesterday, which didn't have to involve material things, reminded me how nice life can be, grounding me fully... which is so adult! I am now 23, an age I think is really "adult" since I am fully out of school and doing adult-y things. I feel like grew up a lot while I was 22. I graduated from college, I entered the full-time work force in my industry of choice (thus entering my career), I moved in with my boyfriend of five and a half years, I lost my Grandma, I added a puppy to our little family unit, and this all happened while I was living in a different state, away from my familiar state of living. That is some serious growing up that happened in there! I have been challenged, I have experienced new love and joy, I have been conflicted, I have been at peace... I feel like I have been transitioning nicely into adult-life, and by "nicely" I mean the transition has encompassed an array of experiences both good and bad. Bad experiences are a necessary evil in the growing up process.

I still have a lot of growing up to do, but I feel I learned a lot. I have learned how to grieve through losing an important person in my life (my Grandma). I have learned how to love a new addition to a family unconditionally (my dog, Jack), which also means I learned how to put someone else's needs above my own, something you learn automatically as you get older (hopefully) but having a child or getting a pet really knocks that into your life! I have learned more about independence and responsibility. These are things that shape you as an adult, as a person. Overall, I felt very successful as a 22 year old, let's see how 23 goes!

What advice would you give 

to me for age twenty three?


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